Vilulu Blog

Weight Loss Fort Wayne IN Vilulu Calories

Counting Calories – Is it Worth the Hassle?

January 9, 2017

Counting Calories – Is it Worth the Hassle? How many breaths did you take today? How many times did your eyes blink? How many calories did you consume today? Can you give me a precise answer to all three questions? The good news is that you really don’t need to. Yes, that includes calorie counting…

Weight Loss Fort Wayne IN Vilulu New Year

Top 10 Ways to Make 2017 Your Healthiest Year Ever

January 4, 2017

Top 10 Ways to Make 2017 Your Healthiest Year Ever If you could picture your ideal life, what would it involve?  Would the ideal version of you be lean, happy and enjoying vibrant health?  Would the ideal you have fun playing outdoors with the kids more, be involved in sports activities, and able to spend…

Weight Loss Fort Wayne IN Vilulu Metabolism

How to Fire up Your Metabolism Naturally

December 27, 2016

How to Fire up Your Metabolism Naturally Your metabolism keeps you alive. It’s the sum total of hundreds of different chemical and physical processes your body goes through to produce energy and to function optimally. If your body is in an “energy crisis” or could ditch a couple extra pounds, read on to understand what…

Weight Loss Fort Wayne IN Vilulu Carbs

A Carb is a Carb, Right?

December 19, 2016

A Carb is a Carb, Right? Unless you’ve been living on another planet for the last 20 years, you’ll have heard about the amazing weight loss that can be achieved on a low-carb diet.  You might even have tried one.  Ever since Atkins, people around the world have been waking up to the idea that…

Weight Loss Fort Wayne IN Vilulu Low Cholestorol

Giving Your Body What It Needs To Lower Cholesterol Naturally

December 5, 2016

Giving Your Body What It Needs To Lower Cholesterol Naturally When it comes to cholesterol, it’s time to get to the basics of why cholesterol is important and how giving your body the right foods can be beneficial in helping the body heal naturally, at its best.  Remember, however, the purpose of eating right is…

Weight Loss Fort Wayne IN Vilulu Blood Pressure

Why The Blood Pressure Battle?

November 30, 2016

Why The Blood Pressure Battle? Let’s face it; dealing with high blood pressure can be down right frustrating and very confusing.  In fact, over the past three decades, studies have shown that despite the increase in medical testing, technology advancements, and seemingly growing list of medications being taken, more people continue to suffer from and…