3 Tips to a Stress-Free Pregnancy

3 Tips to a Stress-Free Pregnancy

Every woman wants to be the best mom for their child, especially when it’s their very first baby!  However, whether you plan on having children in the future, are currently pregnant, already have kids, or well past your child-bearing years, these 3 tips are essential for a stress-free pregnancy whether for you or someone you share this with.

  1. Hormone health: women already know how important hormones are. They can be the deciding factor to having a happy “feel-good” day or the culprit of morning sickness, depression or anxiety.  Here’s the question to ask, “What controls my hormones?”  Would you like to have control over your hormones rather than your hormones controlling you?
    1. Q: What controls my hormones?A: your nervous system.  Yes, that’s right!  Your nervous system must be in tip-top condition for you to expect hormones levels to be exactly where they need to be.  So, what can you do for your nervous system?  Make sure you keep your recommended Chiropractic adjustment schedule AND follow your home rehab schedule.  Not just one or the other
  1. Move: We aren’t talking about moving towns or houses.  It’s about allowing your body to MOVE, otherwise known as exercise.  However, instead of thinking about exercise (as it mostly has a negative spin to it), think about it in terms of movement.  It doesn’t mean go to the gym or start running (that’s tough anyway being pregnant).  Keep it simple!  Go for a walk on a nice sunny day.  Breathe in that fresh air and enjoy  Or even find some videos on YouTube or find a class to do some prenatal Yoga.  It’s not about trying to build muscle or strain yourself.  It’s about oxygenating the body, letting your endorphins release, feeling good and happy and adding some sunshine to your day.
  2. Rest: you don’t have to “do it all” and “then some.” Don’t shirk responsibility obviously, but be very self-aware as to when your body needs rest and sleepYou are growing another human being, after all!  Getting adequate sleep can even make for an easier and healthier delivery.  Stressing yourself out can result in preterm labor and/or bed rest.  Take a nap when able and go to bed as early as possible in the night.

Our office wants you and your family to be healthy for generations.  If you ever have any questions please never hesitate to ask our staff.  We are blessed to serve you!

If you are pregnant, planning on getting pregnant or know someone who is, and they are not under regular Chiropractic care, refer them into our office today and allow us the honor to serve them and their family!

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent disease.


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3:00pm - 6:00pm

5:30pm - 6:30pm

9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm



2051 Reed Road Suite B
Fort Wayne, IN 46815
(855) 784-5858