Scary Advice for Women with Weight Issues

Scary Advice for Women with Weight Issues

Today I thought I’d surf the internet to see what’s out there for women’s health on the topic of losing weight. I was totally shocked about what I found:

  • According to Today’s Dietitian, you need to consume a balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat to gain weight the healthy way. Whole powdered milk contains a balance of all three of these nutrients, weighing in at 320 calories, 17 grams of protein, 25 grams of carbohydrate and 17 grams of fat per ½ cup. --- May 16, 2010.  It was the first listing on the page. Here I was looking for weight loss info and this came up. I quickly discovered I had to hone the Google search.

Well, the bottom line on what I did find is that we all really have to be careful about advice from dietitians. The field is a legitimate profession but it caters and cow-tows to the medical profession, who doesn’t believe that nutrition is healing to the body when used correctly.

Amazingly, the field of nutrition is full of research reports that date back to the beginning of the 1900s and yet, haughty medical doctors won’t come down from their pedestal and use it to the patient’s advantage. Instead, they keep standing up on the soapbox and beating their chests about how medicine is the cream of the crop for everything. It’s crazy!

In fact, the field of neurology has only been around since the 18th century  - and still doctors ignore the nervous system. That’s why chiropractors became so popular. We were doing something good for patients the medical doctors weren’t doing – and they didn’t like it! Now with all the nutritional advancements showing nutrition is far more effective than a lot of things in medicine, it’s making a lot of medical doctors squirm and try to maintain their status quo. But enough about that!

Dietitians Knowledge is Limited

Only a few dietitians even know anything about GMO foods and how bad they are for health. The American Dietetic Association was funded by big Sugar and big Coca-Cola industry for decades, and if you follow the money, you’ll see why certain recommendations are made including them in the diet.

Coca-Cola is a non-nutritive beverage and should be banned by all dietitians for their clients. There is not a bit of nutrition in it and it ends up causing nutrient drains in the body.

If you’ve ever done the Coca-Cola tooth experiment when you were in grade school, you remember that a baby tooth put in a cup of Coca-Cola at night wasn’t there by the morning. Who took it? It wasn’t the Tooth Fairy! It was the Coca-Cola that dissolved it. It pulled out all the calcium and minerals from the tooth so the tooth disintegrated.

The American Dietetic Association is still living in la-la land where sugar and spice is everything nice. Sugar is even recommended for diabetics. “Yes, you can still have sugar, Mr. Diabetic…” they say. “Just don’t overdo it.”

Well this is pure hogwash. Sugar is another empty food that clearly is associated with diabetes and obesity. Diabetes is a carbohydrate metabolism disorder so why would anyone in their right mind advocate diabetics eat it, fully knowing that there are not even enough nutrients in sugar to metabolize it.

Sugar robs the body of chromium, zinc, manganese, B vitamins and other important nutrients. And then when you consider the recent research saying that sugar is more addictive than cocaine, and then the dietitians have the nerve to tell the diabetics, “Well you can still do it in moderation!”, it’s like taunting an alcoholic with an alcoholic drink.

You can see it makes me angry when health professionals have no standards.

Back to the Paragraph on the Internet

As if that’s not enough, in this paragraph I found on the internet, they are recommending powdered milk. Another big mistake. What is powdered milk? It’s milk that was once possibly good starting out. Possibly with a big P.

It’s pasteurized, and thus heated to high temperatures to kill every flora that could possibly live in it. Then the milk is concentrated to about 50% milk solids. This involves additional heat. Then the concentrated milk is sprayed into a  heated chamber – more heat – so the water evaporates. What’s left are milk solids.

Did you catch all the heat in that process? Did you catch the fact that this is processing a good food into a bad one?

Foods that are heated over and over again or only heated once but to a high temperature are foods that contain a lot of AGEs. AGEs stands for advanced glycation endproducts, which are linked with every known degenerative disease.  And here Today’s Dietitian is recommending it be used for weight gain.

It’s a total tragedy. Be careful who you get your nutrition training from. Always follow the money trail.

6 Best Weight Loss Tips Backed by Science

What are six of the best weight loss tips backed by scientific studies? Take a look at them below:

  1. What you’re eating matters.

Protein cuts late night eating in half and cuts caloric intake by 441 calories a day. They reduce obsessive thoughts about food by 60%, and prevent loss of muscle mass when you diet.

Also eat a lot of low carbohydrate vegetables. It will increase satiety due to the fiber.

Don’t forget about the water – studies show that it boosts metabolism up to 30% one to one and a half hours after drinking. Dieters given 17 ounces of water before meals consume 55% fewer calories than those who don’t.

  1. Take a probiotic.

Normal weight people have different bacteria than those who are overweight or obese. During a three month study, those who took a probiotic lost 50% more weight than those who didn’t. Their weight loss even continued during the maintenance phase of the study.

Although exercise doesn’t help you lose weight, it does help prevent the down regulation of metabolism. This is when your metabolism slows down just because you are taking in fewer calories. Exercise also helps you boost your mental attitude and you look at life differently than when you don’t exercise.

By the way, drinking green tea or black coffee before your workout helps you burn more calories.

  1. Chewing gum decreases hunger between meals. Make sure you are selecting the gum that’s sweetened with xylitol or stevia ONLY.
  2. Soups also work really well.
  3. Get enough sleep!

Not getting a good night of sleep is one of the strongest risk factors for obesity. It increases the risk of obesity in children by 89% and 55% in adults.


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